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As one of the world’s leading and most admired countries to live and do business in, Canada has a number of industries and sectors that are well positioned to innovate and grow.

Having the right leaders in place is key to leveraging these growth opportunities.

As the only search firm in Canada to offer executive search, executive interim and leadership assessment services, Odgers Berndtson can help you attract, assess and develop the senior talent you need to succeed.

Offices in Canada

Suite 3220,
421 – 7th Avenue S.W.
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 4K9
+1 403 313 5520 calgary@odgersberndtson.com Get directions
Bureau 3925, 1250 Boul.
René-Lévesque Ouest,
Montréal, Québec
H3B 4W8
+1 514 937 1000 montreal@odgersberndtson.com Get directions
Suite 1301,
155 Queen Street,
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 6L1
+1 613 231 6666 ottawa@odgersberndtson.com Get directions
Suite 3300, South Tower,
200 Bay Street,
Toronto, Ontario
M5J 2J3
+1 416 366 1990 toronto@odgersberndtson.com Get directions
Suite 1880
1066 West Hastings Street,
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6E 3X1
+1 604 676 0400 vancouver@odgersberndtson.com Get directions
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