Ort und Sprache Österreich | DE

Marc Niederkorn

Partner, Board Practice

English French
Luxembourgish German

Marc leads the Board Practice of Odgers Berndtson Luxembourg and is a member of the management team of OB's European Board Practice. 

Prior to joining Odgers Berndtson, Marc was a Senior Partner and Expert Partner of McKinsey&Company, Inc. where since 1995 he advised leading financial services and senior clients worldwide, led McKinsey's payments practice and founded and managed the Luxembourg office. Marc has also held boards positions in local and international public and private institutions and has served as the CEO of Luxembourg’s public development bank SNCI.

Marc holds a diploma from HEC Paris ('90, Liste du Président) and an MBA from the Stanford Graduate School of Business ('95, Arjay Miller Scholar). 

He is from Luxembourg and is fluent in Luxembougish, German, French, English and Dutch.

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