Susan joined the team at Odgers Berndtson in January 2023.
Starting her career in Standard Life Investments (now Aberdeen), Susan worked alongside Investment Managers managing the pension funds of some of Ireland’s top companies. Moving to recruitment just over 23 years ago, Susan has honed her skills in the UK, Ireland and Europe recruiting for financial and professional services, fintech, renewables, public sector, pharma and not for profit through Morgan McKinley and Signium Ireland.
She has facilitated the setting up of a number of companies in Ireland and helped secure top talent at C suite and C-1 including talent for many Board roles. After the Brexit vote in 2016, Susan spent the next 3-4 years helping to source talent for entities building out their Irish entities on the back of their Plan B operations here.
Susan is a qualified Psychometric tester (Willis Towers Watson) and has completed Deloitte training in leadership. In 2022 Susan became the Europe and Africa representative for her last company on the AESC Council for Diversity and Inclusion, which she is passionate about.

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