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Scam Communications

We value your trust and want to ensure that you have a safe and secure experience while interacting with us. It has come to our attention that there have been instances of scams and fraudulent communications circulating, impersonating Odgers Berndtson. We take this matter seriously and are committed to providing you with the information you need to protect yourself from these deceptive practices. 

Known scams

WhatsApp messages: We want to alert candidates of an ongoing scam through WhatsApp. The sender impersonates a search firm, head-hunter or recruiter, promoting fake roles to obtain personal information for malicious action.  

If someone contacts you on WhatsApp claiming to be from Odgers Berndtson and it appears to be a phishing message or a scam, please block the number and/or report the scam directly to WhatsApp by following these steps:

  1. Android: open WhatsApp, hit More Options, and head to Settings>Help>Contact Us to submit a scam report.
  2. iOS: Open WhatsApp, tap Settings>Help>Contact Us.

How to report a suspicious phone number to WhatsApp

WhatsApp takes concerns over suspicious contact numbers seriously. You can report questionable numbers to WhatsApp by following these steps:

  1. Open the chat relating to the suspicious contact.
  2. Open the chat details to find the number, group, or contact name to find their account information.
  3. Scroll to the bottom of this section and select Report Contact or Report Group.

It is not our usual practice to use WhatsApp in this way. We are investigating what more we can do to prevent this re-occurring. In the meantime, we would advise that you ignore and delete these messages from your device, and please contact your local Odgers Berndtson consultant directly.

Types of scams and impersonations to watch out for

Phishing Emails: Scammers may send emails that appear to be from Odgers Berndtson, asking you to provide personal information, account details, or financial information. Please note that we will never ask you for sensitive information via email. 

Fake Social Media Accounts: Fraudulent social media profiles or pages may impersonate Odgers Berndtson to gain your trust and request personal details, payments, or other sensitive information. Always verify the authenticity of our social media accounts before engaging. 

Impersonation Calls: Scammers may call you pretending to be representatives of Odgers Berndtson, offering special deals, services, or asking for payments. We do not make unsolicited calls for financial transactions or sensitive information. 

Tips to protect yourself

Verify the Sender: Check the sender's email address, domain, or social media handle. Make sure it matches our official channels and addresses.  

Double-Check URLs: Before clicking on any links in emails or messages, hover over them to verify they lead to our official website. 

Use Official Contacts: Reach out to us using the contact information provided on our official website to verify any suspicious communications. 

Do Not Share Personal Information: Never share sensitive information like passwords, credit card details, or social security numbers in response to unsolicited communications. 

Stay Informed: Regularly visit our official website and social media accounts for updates on potential scams and security tips. 

Please remember that Odgers Berndtson is dedicated to your safety and security. We are actively working to mitigate these fraudulent activities and appreciate your vigilance in reporting any suspicious communications you may encounter. 

If you believe you have been targeted by a scam or received a fraudulent communication impersonating Odgers Berndtson, please report it to us immediately at help@odgersberndtson.com. 

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