The demands on leaders for elevating performance despite the extent of uncertainty, take advantage of disruptive conditions and deliver sustainable performance, is relentless.
CEOs and C-Suite directors need to identify the Fit for the Future leaders, teams or talent.
Future Fit leaders have the relevant experience, expertise and leadership capabilities important to delivering on the 2-3 year agenda and the agility, which provides the assurance of success when faced with new and different challenges.
Our LeaderFit assessments are designed to answer the questions:
- Are the executive(s) fit for the future mandate and/or ready for new challenges?
- Do they have potential for development and for what and when?
Our experts combine data, benchmarks and interviews to bring the new insight which supports these critical decisions and determine:
- Who to select to execute important agendas e.g. hire, promote?
- Who to invest in and the support to set up for success, optimise their performance and release their potential?