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Digital Consumer Platforms

Digital platforms are our virtual world that we use for media, communication, shopping, working, and much more.


From social media giants, consumer apps, and online commerce, these digital service providers must continually innovate to maintain their position and deliver new compelling content and services to stay relevant. 

Without a physical presence, these platforms rely on enhanced customer experience, continual innovation, and brand loyalty. They have become masters of the data economy, harnessing customer insight to provide the best solutions every day to billions. 

The data economy and our on-demand culture have created increasingly personalized products and services from these digital platforms that are intuitive, targeted, and essential. 

The challenge for digital platforms is to constantly innovate in how they engage with consumers. Technologies including data analytics and AI are utilized to predict future trends and buying behaviours. These digital platforms aim to know what you want, before you do. 

In this highly competitive talent landscape, Odgers Berndtson partners with founders, investors, and Boards to uncover the most talented and growth-minded digital leaders able to compete on the global stage. 


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