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Inspirational Leadership: Stories of Strategy and Success

3 min read

In my role, I am privileged to meet and learn from a wide variety of incredible leaders who inspire change and embody impactful leadership. Their stories illustrate the profound impact of focussed leadership for driving effective and meaningful progress. I recently had the pleasure of speaking with David Gourlay, CEO of the Shepherds of Good Hope Foundation, about his approach to leadership and I was encouraged to hear him speak about his focus on curiosity and purpose, as well as some of his guiding principles as it relates to leadership.  

Leadership is sometimes synonymous with authority and control, this is why David’s unique approach to leadership stands out for its emphasis on innovation and empathy. His journey from growing up in diverse cultural settings to becoming a driving force in community fundraising is a testament to the impact of curiosity-driven leadership. 

Throughout his personal and professional life, David has understood the value of curiosity. His early life experiences of growing up abroad and his exposure to diverse cultural environments sparked a lifelong interest in the dynamics of both the public and private sectors. This curiosity led him down a career path which covered politics, global business development, and David’s current role in what he calls the “third sector” of community fundraising.  

His interest in community fundraising was inspired by a pivotal moment in his career when he volunteered to develop a business strategy to bring professional baseball to Ottawa. David recalled meeting a family at a Challenger Little League game whose son had to overcome significant barriers to attend baseball games due to his cerebral palsy. The family was advocating for a fully accessible baseball facility, which inspired David to take action. He explained, “That moment connected me to the experiences I had in my youth witnessing poverty, exclusion and marginalization, and it was the moment I adopted a call to service to make a difference.”   

This experience led to the establishment of the Miracle League of Ottawa, a fully accessible baseball facility that recently celebrated its tenth anniversary. 

Leading with Ubuntu – A Philosophy of Interconnectedness 

In describing his leadership style, he explained that he has been most driven by the South African philosophy of Ubuntu. “Ubuntu is about interconnectedness and our common humanity, and the responsibility to each other that flows from our connection. It is best described as ‘I am, because we are.’” This philosophy has largely informed his leadership approach throughout his career, but has played a particularly critical role in his leadership of the Shepherds of Good Hope Foundation. 

As a servant leader, he fosters a culture that values dignity, acceptance, and the collective well-being of the community. "I embrace a generative growth mindset to constantly challenge myself and my leadership approach," he explained. His commitment to servant leadership is evident in his emphasis on creating leaders within his team by understanding their personal stories, connecting with them emotionally, and sharing his wisdom. "We are a values-based, purpose-driven culture that nurtures positive values," David noted, highlighting his dedication to empowering his team to contribute proactively to the organization’s mission. 

Navigating Challenges With Empathy and Growth 

When asked about the challenges he faces in his role, David spoke candidly about his experience battling imposter syndrome, particularly in speaking with donors to describe the exclusion and marginalization faced by people experiencing homelessness. To overcome this, David understood the need to connect his own values with a growth mindset and a willingness to learn from those with lived experiences of homelessness and trauma.  

“I have learned that inclusion, acceptance and belonging are core values that we all need to champion,” David explained. The result of these lessons he has learned has demonstrated that “human dignity becomes a pillar of our community as we tear down the stigma and stereotypes of those with trauma and who experience chronic homelessness.” 

Looking to the Future

Looking ahead, David envisions a future where curiosity, creativity, and innovation drive the success of fundraising efforts. He emphasizes the need for leaders to build shared purposes within their teams, engage in courageous action, and focus on understanding and connecting with their communities. 

To ensure continued success, David discussed the need for a shift in donor engagement strategies: "Let’s change the ask of donors from ‘How can you help me?’ to ‘I am asking how I can help you.’ Donors want to transform lives, community, and opportunity. They want to enable people to live the most fulfilled life possible." 

David embodies the essence of inspirational leadership through his commitment to curiosity and purpose. His journey illustrates how leaders in the not-for-profit sector can leverage their unique experiences and values to create meaningful change for others. By embracing a servant leadership style rooted in interconnectedness, David continues to inspire and guide his organization in its mission to uplift and dignify those most in need. 

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