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Angela Pasma

Partner, Healthcare & Life Sciences

English Dutch

At Odgers Berndtson, Angela leads the Healthcare & Life Sciences Practice, focusing on non-executive and executive management positions.

Creating value by building and shaping leadership teams, unlocking their full potential. Driven to translate future strategy into desired leadership. Providing insights, and quickly diagnosing what is needed to enable change. Always committed and connected, with a dedicated and straightforward approach. That defines Angela.  

At Odgers Berndtson, Angela leads the Healthcare & Life Sciences Practice, focusing on non-executive and executive management positions. She supports them in translating their mission and strategic agenda into effective leadership, with the right composition. Encouraging them to explore ways to maximise their impact. 

Before joining Odgers Berndtson, Angela was Partner Health & Life Sciences and Lead Partner Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at Amrop Netherlands. Prior to that, she was CEO of Youth Interventions Foundations and Country Director at Chiltern International. Furthermore, she held executive and senior management positions in and related to the Health & Life Sciences industry, from international enterprises and corporate businesses to SME organisations and organisations in the public sector.  

Angela holds a Master of Science Degree in Health and Policy/Administration Management and lived and worked in Poland for some years. She loves sports and held the position of President of the Board of the Noordwijkse Golf Club from 2019 to 2023. Angela lives with her wife and two children in Noordwijk.  

For Angela, Odgers Berndtson provides an environment for learning. A place where people can show the best of themselves, encourage each other, and also have fun. An innovative entrepreneurial organisation with the drive and ambition to excel. It fosters internal, external, and international collaboration to create the best solutions for customers. 



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