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Simple idea. Big opportunity. We are looking for students to become CEOs of the future.


Applications are now open.

A global programme, CEOx1Day provides the opportunity to spend a day shadowing a successful top chief executive.

CEOx1Day is designed to uncover some of the most promising future leaders and give them an opportunity to walk in the shoes of a chief executive.

By spending a day with the CEO, masters students from universities and business schools are able to learn about the responsibilities and complexities required for today’s leading executives while also getting a feel for how these leaders create value in their organizations.

Find more information about the program in our Student Pack: 


Apply now

Submit your application in a PDF format and send it to the following e-mail: infodk@odgersberndtson.com

The application must include: 

  • A written piece answering the questions below
  • Your CV.

Deadline: Applications close on the Monday 21st of April, 2025 



If you face any barriers with our application process and would like to discuss adjustments or submit in a different format, please contact Julie Holm, Student Assistant at Odgers Berndtson: julie.holm@odgersberndtson.com 

Applications are now open.

Applications for this year's CEOX1Day programme are now open.

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