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Procurement & Supply Chain

Delivering on Supply Chain Commitments: How CPOs can be Orchestrators of Value

Observations, challenges, and trends in procurement.

Lucy Harding, Partner and Global Head of the Procurement & Supply Chain Practice, collaborates with Deloitte to conduct the 2023 Global Chief Procurement Officer Survey, to identify the attributes and capabilities that the most successful procurement organizations have invested in.

The 2023 survey, conducted in association with Odgers Berndtson, is based on the responses of nearly 350 senior procurement leaders across 40 countries. The majority of the focus has centered around the set-up of creative operating models, digitization, and talent management into supply chains.

“I am delighted to have collaborated for over 10 years with Deloitte to help produce the annual Global CPO survey. This year, with a theme of ‘Orchestrators of Value’, it makes for interesting reading."

“Unsurprisingly our global community has been spread thinly, addressing an ever-broadening range of challenges. The focus on ESG has accelerated from the 7th to the 2nd enterprise priority, sitting just behind driving operational efficiency.

Attracting and retaining procurement talent is identified as one of, if not, THE key differentiator for CPOs,” said Lucy.

Read the rest of the report by clicking below.

Read the Deloitte 2023 Global Chief Procurement Officer Survey

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