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Make Your Cover Letter Count - Career Strategies Series #5

A good persuasive cover letter shows you understand the role and have the skills and experience necessary for success.

From an executive search firm’s perspective, the decision on your suitability for a role will never be made solely on the content of your cover letter. Providing your CV meets the requirements, we will always talk to you about the role and assess your skills and experience verbally. If we feel you’re right for the position, the next step is to present your details to the client.

With this in mind, does a cover letter really matter? The answer is yes. Absolutely.

Useful for all parties

Time spent drafting your cover letter is a useful tool to engage yourself in the application process. It clarifies and sums up your thoughts and quickly lets you know how much you want this particular role, versus any other role you might consider.

A well-constructed cover letter shows you understand the role and have the skills and experience necessary to be successful.

To a client, a good cover letter creates a strong first impression. It shows respect for their process and genuine interest in their organization. When an executive search firm assesses your application, you inspire confidence by showing you’ve thought about the role and are committed to making a move.

Standing out from the crowd

Once you have an impactful cover letter, how will it help in your search for a new role? To begin with, it gives you an advantage over others who haven’t included one, or whose letter is rushed and unfocused.

Important points to remember

Brevity is the soul of wit. Keep it succinct. One page is enough.

Don’t regurgitate your CV in your cover letter. Instead, highlight three key strengths in relation to the role.

Importantly, sending the same cover letter for every role smacks of a lack of rigor. You might think we won’t notice, but we will! Adapt your letter to reflect the unique requirements of the role, every time. Address your letter to the person leading the search process. If you don’t know who that is, take the trouble to find out. “Dear Sir/Madam” or “To whom it may concern” is outdated and comes across as disengaged. It won’t cut much ice with the individual who decides whether or not to progress your application.

Avoid sloppy errors

Proofread before sending. This is a chance to showcase your writing ability and a reflection of your personal brand. It’s naive to believe it doesn’t matter if you make a small error. They are always noticed. Check and double-check every line. Don’t let your careful preparation down with misspellings.

Giving Clarity

Being clear about what you want and what you have to offer allows us and our client to clearly understand your strengths and value proposition. It means when we call you to discuss an opportunity the conversation is more likely to be positive and mutually beneficial. We won’t be wasting each other’s time.

Take advantage of the opportunities a strong job application cover letter brings. It could be the element that puts you ahead of your competitors.

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