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Well-run boards add significant value and contribute to the long-term success of organizations.
We advise organisations on board member selection - getting top quality executives on the board who can align culture with business objectives.
The increasingly complex market environment demands more active and effective boards. Investors, regulators, the media, and society expect boards to deliver commercial success and at the same time establish and maintain strong corporate governance.
Board responsibilities are expanding beyond their traditional roles. In addition to conventional financial oversight, risk management, and executive committee supervision, boards today must deal with issues such as complex strategic alternatives, compliance, cybersecurity, shareholder activism, innovation and transformation, business disruptions, and diversity and inclusion. In addition, boards are expected to serve as a thought partner for the CEO and actively drive succession planning for the board and the CEO.
For more than 50 years, Odgers Berndtson has been a trusted adviser to organisations looking to build and enhance their boards. We help our clients improve board effectiveness and performance through our integrated solutions:
Our local and global board consulting teams advise boards of various organizations, including global companies, leading national companies, joint ventures, and Private Equity and Venture Capital operating companies, and family- or founder-owned businesses. We bring to our clients:
If you want to know more about the Effectiveness of the Boards of Directors in Portugal, consult our Board Effectiveness Study 2023
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