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Responsible Leadership Series: In Conversation with Kerstin Erbe, Managing Partner, dm

Gabriele Stahl, Partner and Head of Consumer Practice at Odgers Berndtson Germany interviews Kerstin Erbe, Managing Partner at dm Deutschland in the latest episode of our Responsible Leadership series.  

Kerstin Erbe is responsible for managing dm (drogerie markt) owned brands, which includes more than 268 stores across Germany, with more throughout Europe, and implementing sustainable practices across the company.  

During the interview, Gabriele asked Kerstin what Responsible Leadership means to her.  

Kerstin expands on her role and covers what is entailed in being responsible for sustainability across the business. This involves looking at their customer base, their wishes, needs, and future requirements.  

“We need to understand what kind of impact our decisions to serve our customers and consumers today will have not only on the planet and the nations, but on future generations.”  

The interview continues with a question from Gabriele: “What have you undertaken to reduce your personal carbon footprint?” 

Kerstin explains her decision to undertake a personal quest to understand her conduct and habits. She did research into personal footprints and how they can have wider impacts, she also underwent an LCA lifecycle assessment; which looks at current consumption patterns, possessions, travel, food, as well as past patterns (cars she’s owned, places she’s lived, clothes she owns, where she’s traveled to, etc.).  

By compiling an extensive list of these items, she got an idea of not only her current footprint but her overall impact and what she can do to mitigate this further. Undergoing this kind of personal assessment is a strong statement to your colleagues of leading by example.  

It's clear that Kerstin takes her role as a Responsible Leader seriously and works diligently to ensure that dm continues to implement sustainable strategies in its operations.  

The full interview is available to watch below.  

If you would like to get in touch to discuss the traits, any themes, or find out more about responsible leadership, please do get in touch with us here or your local Odgers Berndtson contact.

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