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Odgers Berndtson to hold webinar on how to implement an inclusive recruitment process

Odgers Berndtson, the global executive search firm, is holding a webinar on how to implement an inclusive recruitment process on 25th May at 3pm. The event will be hosted by Sue Johnson, Managing Partner of the Inclusion & Diversity Practice at the firm.

The webinar will examine how organisations of all sizes can ensure their recruitment process is genuinely inclusive at every stage of the process from role definition and advertising through to offer and onboarding. It will focus on the full spectrum of inclusivity including ethnicity, gender, mental health conditions and personality traits.

During the webinar attendees will learn how to:

  • Maximise the inclusivity of their whole recruitment and retention process.
  • Access, attract, and retain a broader talent pool to their organisations.
  • Identify exactly where to mitigate unconscious bias and upskill hiring managers.

The event will also highlight key research findings from inclusive recruitment pilot studies conducted by Odgers Berndtson with brands including Burger King, Cancer Research and esure.

All webinar attendees will be offered the first stage of Odgers Berndtson’s recently launched Inclusive Recruitment Diagnostic without charge until 15th June. The first stage consists of a questionnaire that assesses an organisation’s maturity levels through the six steps of recruitment.

Commenting on the inclusive recruitment webinar, Sue Johnson, Managing Partner of the Inclusion & Diversity Practice, Odgers Berndtson, said:

‘The webinar is open to anyone who is passionate about creating a truly inclusive recruitment process and experience for their organisation.At Odgers Berndtson we know from our extensive research that recognising and embracing the individual needs of all new hires is much more likely to make them feel engaged from day one and consistently perform at an elevated level. We also know that the cost of getting a new hire wrong can equate to three times the candidate’s salary in recruitment costs and lost revenue. With an ever-increasing number of candidates seeking roles that are sensitive to their individual needs, there has never been a better time to explore a fully inclusive recruitment process.’

To book your place on the webinar please visit https://visit.odgers.com/Register-Here-25MAY2023.html



About Sue Johnson, Managing Partner, Inclusion & Diversity Consulting Practice London.

Sue Johnson is the Managing Partner of Inclusion & Diversity Consulting at Odgers Berndtson. Having spent the first 15 years of her career in Operations and Sales, Sue has first-hand knowledge and experience of how and why Inclusion & Diversity, as an integral part of the organisation DNA, will step-change business performance.

Prior to joining the Odgers Berndtson group, Sue was the Global Chief Diversity Officer for the Nestle group, and then led the Inclusion client practice at PwC Switzerland. Sue has worked cross-industry and cross-border, with clients from: Private banking, Sporting organisations, Pharma & Life science, Humanitarian sector, FMCG and Life sciences. Sue is a renowned and enthusiastic advocate for Inclusion and has spoken at the United Nations, Catalyst, women’s forum etc. and specialises on educating Executives, guiding, and challenging them to deliver results as organisations embark on their journey of cultural change.

Sue is available for interview on all aspects of creating and implementing an inclusive and diverse recruitment and retention process.

Please contact her on 07734 047261 or email sue.johnson@odgersberndston.com

For all general media enquiries for Odgers Berndtson, please contact the marketing division at marketing@odgersberndtson.com

To find out more about the Inclusive Recruitment Diagnostic, contact Sue Johnson directly or get in touch with us here. You can also find your local Odgers Berndtson contact here.

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