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CEO Succession

CEOs are absolutely critical to deliver the organisation's success in this disruptive age, yet the 15% gap in confidence that they will deliver the mandate could limit success for all stakeholders.


Boards, as the guardian of sustainable performance of the organisation, invest early in CEO succession planning to ensure they retain internal contenders (i.e. 86% of the best performing CEOs are internal talent) and compare them with external candidates, to make the best appointment and realise the 44% of value of the organisation attributed to the CEO's impact and reputation.

Managing the CEO succession journey, whether short or over an elapsed number of years, is challenging. Our end-to-end solution is designed to support the Board, CEO, Chief People Officer (CPO) and candidates with the assistance that is critical to delivering a successful outcome and/or mitigate any risks.

We work with the:

  1. Chair to establish with the Board the success profile for the future CEO.
  2. CEO and Chief People Officer to evaluate the internal contenders, establish their readiness and succession potential as well as define the plans and support their development and Board exposure.
  3. Nominations Committee to map the external talent pool to determine and attract early hires, where appropriate.
  4. Board to support and appoint the heir successfully.

Our experts combine market and leadership benchmarking, 360 and independent leadership profiles and ongoing surveys to keep the Board and contenders aligned to reduce the risk of CEO failure or unplanned turnover of C-Suite executives.

Odgers Berndtson Persona con lámpara sentada en la cima de una montaña al atardecer mask

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