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Life Sciences

What Does Ethics in Leadership Mean to You? An Interview with David Bevan, Senior Adviser

David Bevan, Senior Adviser, joins Chris Hamilton, Partner and Head of our Life Sciences Practice, to discuss the role of ethical leadership in the life sciences sector.

David highlights the generational evolution of ethics, its impact on organisational culture, and how the integration of technology has become a major ethical consideration.

I don't think it's possible to have a business leadership conversation, or a plan, or an execution of a strategy, unless you consider ethical implications. Ethics is about doing the right thing, in a world which is increasingly challenging what that means.

Emphasising the view that ethics is primarily centred around people, purpose and planet, David believes its effective action ultimately comes down to courageous leadership. 

Watch the full interview here:


Read the next article in our One Question series featuring George Eapen who discusses ethics in leadership from his perspective as a CIO. Watch more of the video interview series

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