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OBSERVE Magazine

オジャーズ ベルンソンのグローバルマガジンでは、最新のインサイト、オピニオン、特集記事をお届けします。

Alex Acland

Partner, Head of Education


Alex is a Partner and leads the Education Practice in the UK and is Chair of the Global Education Practice, based from the London office.

He has worked in higher education since 2001 and has 25 years’ successful experience in the recruitment industry.

He re-joined Odgers Berndtson in January 2016 after eight years with another international search firm, where he led the Education & Social Enterprise Practice in Europe. He works on the team’s most senior appointments alongside leading the UK team and chairing the global group. Alex has a Bachelor of Divinity from the University of Edinburgh. From 2010 to 2023, he was a Director/Trustee of Goodenough College.



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