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OBSERVE Magazine

オジャーズ ベルンソンのグローバルマガジンでは、最新のインサイト、オピニオン、特集記事をお届けします。

Johanna Hérault

Senior Researcher, Industry, Luxury, Healthcare & Financial Services Practices

Johanna Hérault is a Senior Researcher at Odgers Berndtson France within the Industry, Luxury, Healthcare and Financial Services practices.

Following a Human Resources apprenticeship at Orange, Johanna began her professional career in Executive Search in 2013.

She initially worked in the legal and financial sectors and then specialised in the Food, Chemical and Automotive industries.

Johanna joined Odgers Berndtson in 2021.

Johanna holds a Master of Law in Corporate Governance. She speaks French and English.



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