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OBSERVE Magazine

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Michael Patrick

Head of Financial Services and Technology Practice MENA


Michael heads the Financial Services and Technology practice in the Middle East.

He is passionate about succession planning and aligning talent and culture with corporate/organisation strategy and innovation. Michael helps clients address their corporate and digital transformation, and ESG goals. He also works with early-stage SWF/VC backed companies to recruit and structure their organisation to deliver on strategy.

Michael joined Odgers Berndtson after serving as the Head of Talent Acquisition Operations in Public Investment Fund, the sovereign wealth fund of Saudi Arabia with AUM of $620bn. Prior to PIF, Michael worked in one of the leading global organisational consulting firms for six years where he was a member of the Global Financial Services and Professional Services practices. He has lived in both Dubai and Riyadh, providing clients with a well-rounded view of the gulf region.

Michael holds a BSc in Computer Science, with honours, from the Makerere University.



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