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OBSERVE Magazine

オジャーズ ベルンソンのグローバルマガジンでは、最新のインサイト、オピニオン、特集記事をお届けします。

Phil McCann

Partner and Head of CFO, Audit & Risk and Financial Leadership Practice


Phil has a strong profile in CFO circles and his experience includes the appointment of ASX100 CFOs through to CFOs for pre-IPO start-ups and PE backed firms.

Phil advises on succession strategy for tax, audit, treasury, IR and financial control roles. He also hosts the CFO and Audit Chair Dinner on Sydney Harbour each year, likely the premier financial leadership event on the Australian financial calendar.

Previously, Phil was with Braithwaite Steiner Pretty (BSP), joining in 2005 after managing the Australian and regional operations of several publicly listed search firms. He began his career in executive search with PA Consulting Group in 1998 as Managing Director of their Australian executive search business, before it was acquired by Korn/Ferry International in 2001. He has also headed the Asia Pacific operations of two other international search firms.



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