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OBSERVE Magazine

オジャーズ ベルンソンのグローバルマガジンでは、最新のインサイト、オピニオン、特集記事をお届けします。

Rachel Middleton

Consultant, Not-for-Profit


Rachel is a consultant in the Not-for-Profit Practice. She specialises in Chair, Board, Chief Executive and Executive Committee level appointments for organisations across the sector, based in London.

Prior to joining Odgers Berndtson, Rachel spent the majority of her career in the Board Practice at Russell Reynolds Associates focused on CEO and Board-level appointments for FTSE 350 business across sectors. In addition to her executive search experience, Rachel built and led the UK operation for an ecommerce start-up. Rachel is also on the advisory board for The Wren Project, a charity aimed at providing listening support to individuals living with autoimmune conditions.



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