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OBSERVE Magazine

オジャーズ ベルンソンのグローバルマガジンでは、最新のインサイト、オピニオン、特集記事をお届けします。

Sami Erviö

Senior Advisor

Finnish English

Sami Erviö is a Partner at the Helsinki office of Odgers Berndtson.

Prior to joining Odgers Berndtson, Sami was a CEO of a telecom software company Comptel. Before that, he held executive positions in General Electric and in the Finnish healthcare technology company Instrumentarium. He has also been an advisor to the Nordic private equity firm EQT. During his career, Sami has lived in Sweden, UK and the United States.

Sami has a Master of Science degree in Engineering, and a Master of Business Administration degree.



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