Розташування та мова Україна | UK

Daniela Tessler

Partner, Head of Retail and Technology Practices

São Paulo +55 11 2147 0450
English Portuguese (Brazilian)
Spanish (Latin Am)

Daniela has 25 years of professional experience in executive search and as organisational development consultant, combined with the vision of a senior human resources executive, acquired in companies such as Fast Shop, JP Morgan, EDS/HP and Korn/Ferry.

She holds a Bachelor´s degree in Psychology from Pontifícia Universidade Católica (PUC/SP), postgraduate degree in human resources from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV/SP), International Coaching certification from ICI, MBA in Business Management from Fundação Instituto de Empresa (FIA/SP) and Cultural Transformation & Management certification from the Barrett Values Center. 

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