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Fernando Olavarría

Managing Partner

Lima +51 987 529 819
English Spanish

Fernando Olavarría is Managing Partner of Odgers Berndtson for Perú.

He has over 5 years of experience in executive search for Peru, having worked previously for several top American multinational companies throughout Latin America. 

Clients include a broad range of industries from Consumer Goods Products & Services to Mining. 

Fernando has solid experience in C level searches for Consumer Goods, Mining, Energy, High Tech, Services, among others clients, local, multinationals as well as multilatinas. 

He holds a bachelor degree in Economics from Universidad del Pacifico (PER).  

Double Degree in Top Management & Leadership Mastery Program from UPC (PER) and Universidad de Cataluña (ESP) 

Certified Business & Life Coach - Tony Robbins (USA), Coaching for Wellness (USA), Americancol (COL) 

Chilean citizenship with residence in Lima, Peru 


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