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Jane Dessar

Partner, Head of Consumer, Retail & Leisure

London +44 20 7529 1111

Jane Dessar is a Partner in the Odgers Berndtson London office where she heads up the Consumer, Retail & Leisure Practice and is a member of the Board & CEO Practice.

Her focus is on senior level and main board appointments with a functional focus on CEO/MD, marketing, digital and e-commerce, communications, sales, commercial and strategy appointments.

Her client base includes both UK and multi-national businesses and these range from privately held and owner driven businesses, through to quoted companies and private equity backed organisations in the retail and fmcg/consumer sectors of food, drink and personal care, luxury and consumer durables, as well as in the travel, leisure and hospitality sectors.

Jane joined from a highly regarded boutique search firm and previously spent 12 years at another leading global firm where she headed up a number of the firm's largest consumer and retail client relationships.

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