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Ross Woledge

Partner & US Head, CFO Practice

Toronto +1 416 366 1990

Ross Woledge is Partner and Head of the firm's CFO Practice.

He leads CFO and senior financial officer searches for clients across all private and public industries in addition to CFO roles within private equity and venture capital owned organizations. Prior to joining Odgers Berndtson, Ross worked for the Association for Executive Search Consultants (AESC) in New York.

In 2015, Ross helped develop the CFO Leadership Program in partnership with the Rotman School of Management, an executive leadership program for finance executives. More recently, Ross partnered with the Institute of Corporate Directors on the report Champions for Change: Why CFOs are Critical to AI Success. The report highlights that CFOs and audit chairs have a critical role to play in helping their organizations implement AI.

Ross holds a Bachelor’s Degree from The College of St Mark and St John (UK) and is active with the charity Autism Ontario.

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