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Yussef Hafez

Odgers Interim
Professional Search - a service line by Odgers Berndtson Canada

Toronto +1 416 366 1990

Yussef Hafez is a Partner with Odgers Interim as well as Professional Search - a service line by Odgers Berndtson Canada.

He is responsible for providing organisations with talent solutions that enable and optimise transformation and sustainable growth. 

Prior to joining Odgers Berndtson Canada, Yussef spent fifteen years in strategy consulting roles, either internally as part of an organisation, or within traditional consulting firms.  He has extensive experience leading clients through numerous industries – including Retail, CPG, Financial Services, Healthcare and Non-Profit.  In these roles, Yussef was responsible in developing the right solution needs for optimised strategic growth, while recognising the importance of talent for solution sustainability.  

Yussef graduated from Western University with an Honours Bachelor of Science and from the Schulich School of Business at York University with an MBA. He is also recognised as a Professional Change Enabler. In his spare time, Yussef also serves on the Board for the Toronto Humane Society.  



Interim Management

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