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Rebus - Balance the Board

Rebus: is a technology sector mentoring network created to build allies to support and champion greater gender diversity on the boards and senior leadership teams of technology and digital-first companies.


Rebus is proudly curated by our Global Technology & IT Services Practice in partnership with Google and London Business School.

Rebus aims to:

  • Balance the board of the UK’s technology and digital-first sectors and encourage talented individuals to achieve their full potential.
  • Provide high-potential, diverse leaders with senior executive mentors who give informal advice, support and guidance.
  • Empower women to achieve board level career ambitions.
  • Instigate change and inspire innovation on boards to drive diversity.

What does Rebus do?

Rebus is a bi-annual initiative taking the form similar to speed dating, where we pair mentors and mentees to help establish chemistry and connectivity, which is followed by informal mentor pairings and networking relationships.

Rebus sessions are entirely informal, inclusive and we are proud of our 100% pairing hit rate.

Our mentors are exceptional leaders; CEOs and Non Executives from the technology sector who guide mentees, pro-bono, keen to make their own path through executive leadership, NED and board advisory. We believe diversity within the boardroom is essential, positively effecting decisions and outcomes culturally, strategically and financially.

If you would like to find out more about Rebus and attend the next event, please get in touch.

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